homemade ravioli filled with chanterelles, ricotta and västerbotten cheese


it’s easier than it seems to make your own pasta, and so much tastier!

I lived in Florence, Italy for three years when I was in my twenties, and here my passion for food and wine was established. I studied design during day time and worked as a waitress in a really nice trattoria and winebar called Baldovino during evenings.

This dish of ravioli is really representing me, with a mix of flavours from Italy and northern Sweden. Kind of like me ;-)


Start with making the dough for the pasta.

Pasta dough

4oo g flour tipo 00

4 eggs

a pinch of salt

Pour the flour and the salt on the work surface and shape it like a “volcano”, break the eggs in the centre. Use a fork or your hands to gradually mix the flour with the eggs to form a soft dough. If it’s too dry you can add a small amount of cold water. Knead for 5 minutes or until it feels smooth. Shape into a ball, wrap in cling film and leave to chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.



65 g chanterellles

250 g ricotta

50 g Västerbotten cheese 

30 g shallots

Chop the chanterelles and the onion finely and sauté with butter in a skillet on medium heat. Let it cool. Mix ricotta with finely grated Västerbotten cheese (or other mature hard cheese) and some olive oil, then add the sautéed chanterelles and season with salt and pepper.


Roll out the pasta, by machine or using a rolling pin, into thin sheets. Place a sheet of pasta on the work surface, put equal amounts of filling (amount depending on the desired size of the ravioli) on half of the sheet. Brush around the filling with water and fold over the other side of the pasta sheet. Press the dough all around the filling to expel the air. Cut with a ravioli cutter or a sharp knife to make the ravioli.

Melt butter in a medium saucepan set over low-medium heat. Keep stirring until the it has turned light brown and has a rich, nutty aroma, then add the sage leaves and cook until crispy.

Bring water to a boil, add salt and then carefully lower the ravioli into it. Boil for a few minutes, until the pasta is cooked to your liking. 

Serve with more chanterelles, browned butter, fried sage leaves and roasted walnuts. And a glass of Chianti, of course. Buon appetito!


zoodles with peanut sauce and fried halloumi
