the last asparagus of the year
Today it was time to harvest the last asparagus of the year and let the plants grow up to gather strength for next year.
We harvested the first asparagus in the end of April and during this period we have eaten asparagus in all possible ways.
My favourite is to eat them as soon as possible after harvest. And eat them raw, just thinly sliced in a salad with some olive oil, lemon and parmesan flakes. Heavenly good!
Or with sauce Hollandaise, a poached egg and some ramson flowers!
Or a frittata, also here with ramson. Lovely combo.
I have removed all the weeds around the asparagus plants, added bokashi compost to the soil, and topped everything with seaweeds to give a lot of nourishment to the plants. '
With a little bit of extra love, they will come back next year and the next year after that…
I planted my asparagus in spring 2013 or 2014 and they are still going strong.