Rubus Arcticus


Rubus Arcticus. The first latin name I learned as a child, as the milk packages had a drawing on the front. Åkerbär is the Swedish name and it only grows in the norther parts of Sweden, so it’s actually quite many Swedish people that doesn’t know it or haven’t tried it.


In Wikipedia it says: Rubus arcticus, the Arctic bramble or Arctic raspberry, is a species of slow-growing bramble belonging to the rose family, found in arctic and alpine regions in the Northern Hemisphere.


It is my absolute favourite berry, so small but so intense flavour! I simply love it.

The season is just starting now, so it’s difficult to find mature berries but I still went out to try to find some in nature. The plants are small and often grow in high grass so they can be difficult to find, and cumbersome to pick. See the video below. But nevertheless, completely worth the effort!



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